The first thing we have to determine before starting with the design of our website, is what we want to achieve with it. Will I provide a service, advice, information? What sex or age will the visitors be? What is your geographical location? These are some questions you should ask yourself before beginning the design.

You have to choose the colors that remain with you. And with you I mean with your website and what you want to achieve with it. For example, if it is a health page, recommended colors will be blue or green, if on the other hand we talk about luxury and exclusivity, better stay with black. If your page is intended for children, do not forget to put bright colors.

Now, if you can understand how color affects people, you will turn it into a work tool, and this can benefit you a lot. Here we show you the basics:


The color red can increase the pulsations and accelerate breathing. It is associated with emotion, passion, love, energy and movement. It can also have negative associations, including war, violence, fire and danger.

Use red to draw attention to something, or create expectation. Red can be good for food, fashion, entertainment, sports, marketing, emergency services and health insurance. Just do not use it too much.


It is the most luminous color. It is associated with competitiveness, happiness, joy, optimism and youth.

Strong yellow (not too much) helps to encourage your visits or create a sense of happiness. If you use softer tones, it provides a calmer feeling of happiness. Yellow works to give very good results for action call buttons. Do not use much yellow, since it can cause eyestrain, use it in moderation.


This is an energetic color and full of life. Associated with fun, happiness, energy, warmth, ambition, excitement and enthusiasm.

This color is a good option for when you need to highlight a call for attention on your website, sales or other content. You can use it in stores, automotive, entertainment, food and child care. Although it is less intense than red, it is just as burdensome, never abuse it.


This color has a harmonic effect. It is associated with nature, health, well-being, money, calm, masculinity, etc.

Green is the color that our eyes process better. Use it to create a calming or relaxing effect. It is a great option for science, tourism, medicine, among others. It is not recommended to use it for websites of luxury goods, technology or for teenagers.